I have been a “picture taker” for all my adult life. In London, in the 60s, my brother and I had a darkroom set up. My enthusiasm for taking pictures and working on the raw images has never waned.
As an artist, I have been able to apply my understanding of composition and texture to create dramatic images. The photographic process has also enhanced my artwork. I have gone digital which has taken the limitation of developing and printing costs out of the equation.
This is a small selection of the tens of thousands of shots I have taken over the years.
(By clicking on one of the images below you will open up the gallery. As you scroll through, right clicking on an image will allow you to save the image. Although I am happy to allow you to save the image to your device, I would ask that you do not use these photos for any projects as they are copyrighted. Should you wish to use a photo for any reason, please contact me using the email at the bottom of the page).
Circle Line
Costa del Sol
Framilo 1
Framilo 2
Long Beach 1
Long Beach 2
New Jersey 1
New Jersey 2
New Jersey 3
North Woods 1
North Woods 2
Selsey 1
Selsey 2
Selsey 3
Silver Lake 1
Silver Lake 2
Silver Lake 3
Switzerland 1
Switzerland 2
Switzerland 3
Switzerland 4
Switzerland 5
Switzerland 6
The Ferry
Background Images
I have always been fascinated by the texture and form of the photographic image. In the process of composing and framing the image I often begin to mentally zoom in on the subject. I start to look at the texture and shape of a small part of the whole composition and see its potential as a stand-alone image and click, I have another mood piece.
As I do graphic work to create posters, publicity and printable items for myself and my friends, I also am looking at the images potential for adding text and additional graphics.
So here is a small selection of some of these Background Images that you can use if you wish.
(By clicking on one of the images below you will open up the gallery. As you scroll through, right clicking on an image will allow you to save the image. Crop off the footer strip, which is only there for identification and the image is yours to use. Should you want further information about the background images used in this section or want additional images, please contact me using the email at the bottom of the page).